(Well... now that you're here, you might as well sign my Guestbook.)
My Tynes family of South Carolina and Louisiana.
My Ott family of Switzerland, South Carolina and Louisiana.
Multiple origins of the James surname.
The will of Richard Davis (d. 1761, Granville County, North Carolina).
The Le Minor family of southwestern Brittany.
Some great genealogical frauds.
My WorldConnect database:
This is my entire RootsWeb-based, browsable database (minus
information on living persons). You can download GEDCOMs from it.
My GedView program (it's free) to read and
navigate through GEDCOM files.
RootsWeb (the best genealogy site on the Internet), and its
WorldConnect project.
GenCircles, another excellent site.
The Pace Network,
my member's page,
and the query page.
The Woodward page.
The Alford forum, the
Odom forum, the
Ott forum, the
Tynes forum.
The Rand Genealogy Club page.
South Carolina: Union
County, Lexington County,
the South Carolina Historical Society,
The Orangeburgh German-Swiss Genealogical Society.
US GenWeb Project, and its
Orangeburgh page.
Family Tree Online
First Name Basis.
The Gulf War (March 1991)
An Eclipse in Arica (November 1994)
The Texas Empire (December 1995)
Obituary for Deng Xiaoping (March 1997)
The Wines of Bordeaux (October 1997)
Asia and Brazil (December 1999)
On the Meaning of September 11 (September 2002)
What It Means to Miss New Orleans (September 2005)
Dalek Snowdon for Mayor (September 2007)
Financial Meltdown: What We Can Learn from Albania (October 2008)
A Tea Party for Mr Obama (January 2011)
What the “Occupy Wall Street” Movement Really Means (November 2011)
On the Shutdown of Democracy (November 2013)
Piketty and Warnings of War (June 2014)
Jihad in Paris (December 2015)
My WinEphem program (it's free).
Recommended books on astronomy and astronomical calculations.
Life on Mars.
More on Primitive
Life from Mars.
Latest news on Galileo
Latest HST releases.
Geoffrey Marcy's Extrasolar Planets page.
The Hubble Heritage Project.
Jonathan Ware's Galaxy Photo gallery.
SETI@home -- Use the processing power of your screen saver to help the University of California search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
E-mail me at tmarkjames@yahoo.com
This index page was last updated on 28 March 2016.