WinEphem version history ------------------------ 1.09, 20 January 2002 Added a menu item to calculate new and full moon Ability to select location (latitude/longitude) by place name New location database, LatLong.csv, now distributed with WinEphem 1.08, 8 December 1999 Fixed bug in calculation of geocentric separations 1.07, 16 November 1999 New X/Y objects can now be stored to the Ephem.db file Hyperbolic-orbit X/Y objects implemented (but not well tested) Fixed bug with fractional-hour timezones Improved Ephem.db file, especially asteroids (thanks Joe Hobart) 1.06, 6 September 1999 Two different separations displays (geocentric and topocentric) Fixed bug in south latitude/west longitude 1.05, 6 August 1999 Added a separate WinEphemClean program to clean Windows Registry Added X/Y object edit feature (but still no save-to-disk) Moved calculations and object X/Y operations to menus Corrected some tab-order sloppiness in several dialog boxes Cosmetic improvements in icons and window layout 1.04, 29 July 1999 Fixed unfriendly bug when longitude or latitude is not found 1.03, 12 July 1999 Fixed bug in reading fixed-object RA and declination from file Ask before saving changes to longitude or latitude Much tidying up and object-orienting of code 1.02, 17 April 1999 Display redesigned to get around some font incompatibilities Display now compatible with older 640x400 VGA monitors This is a release version (finally), not a debug version Dynamic allocation of storage for values read from Registry 1.01, 16 March 1999 Reads ephem.db file from startup directory; asks user for it if not found Dynamic selection of objects X and Y Creation of new X and Y objects, but these are not persistent; they die when you exit WinEphem Bug fixed in reading of Registry strings 1.00, 21 Jan 1999 Ephem, rise/set, separations screens Manually-adjustable time, long/lat, height, temp, atm pressure, epoch Per-second update using system clock Object X hard-coded to Vesta, object Y to Leonids radial point Config information stored in Windows Registry (instead of ephem.cfg) =============================================== TO DO: Moon calendar Perhaps other calendars (Jewish, Islamic, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, French Revolutionary, pre-Gregorian?) Search for max/min/zero of any calculated value Plot Make use of geopositioning hardware if available Clean up code and publish it